Herd reduction

Perhaps you have seen the blog about my "multiple horse syndrome", not to be confused with multiple personality syndrome πŸ˜‚.  (if you have not, have a little read ;) https://groenequestrian.co.uk/blog/horses-on-my-back )The lack of income because of Covid has made me have to sell some of my horses, and as lockdown is easing ...

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  1967 Hits

A look back on 2020, and welcome 2021!


 2020 was the weirdest year (so far ;) ) ...  No competing in my case, not only because of Covid, but mostly because I had no means of transport for a good part of the year..). Not much IRL coaching because of Covid... Several horses with little health scares (colic mostly due to the weird temperature ch...

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  1265 Hits